The only time training is needed, according to Stolovitch and Keeps (2012), is when there is a deficiency in skills and knowledge. However, for the purpose of an effective to take place (Noe, 2010), identifies several training methods that involve action in learning.

Action in Learning Methods:

  1. Experiential training Program: Is tied to a specific business problem. Trainees are moved outside their personal comfort zones, but the zone does not reduce the trainees motivation or ability to understand the purpose of the program. In order; however, for this learning to be successful, multiple learning modes are used, which are audio, visual, and kinesthetic.

  2. the Adventure training Program: Focus on the development of teamwork and leadership skills through structured activities, which include training in the wilderness–outdoors, drum circles, and cooking classes.

  3. Team Training Program: Coordinates the performance of individuals who work together to achieve a common goal. For the successful accomplishment of this type of training, participants’ communicate, coordinate, adapts, and complete tasks objectively. The knowledge requires participants to have mental models or memory structures that allows them to function effectively in an unanticipated or new situations.

  4. Cross Training Program: Provide understanding and practices for each type of skills so that the participants are prepared to step in and take the place of a team member who may temporarily be on leave, etc.

  5. Coordination Training Program: Instructs the team in how to share information and decision-making responsibilities to maximize performance. The best group for this type of training is commercial aviation or surgical teams who are in charge of monitoring different aspects of equipment and environment.

  6. Team Leader Training: Is the type of training that team managers or facilitators receives. It involves training managers on how to resolve conflict within the team coordinated activities or other team skills. Of course, employees need technical skills that can help them accomplish various job functions.

Action Learning: This learning gives teams an actual problem and have them work to solve it, and commit the problem to an action plan. It also holds the members’ accountable for carrying out the plan.

Six Sigma and Black Belt Training: Provides employees with measurement and statistical tools to help reduce defects and cut costs. The participants in this training are required to attend workshops and complete assignments that are coached by expert instructors. The training consists of 4-day sessions for 16 weeks. After the training, the participants must demonstrate their learning achievement.


Noe, R. A. (2010). Employee training and development. New York, NY: McGraw-Hill/Irwin.

Stolovitch, H. D., & Keeps, E. J. (2012). Training ain‘t performance. Alexandria, VA: ASTD Press.